The challenges resulting from the current pandemic may have created new “safe” protocols for showing property, but they haven’t stopped New Mexico’s real estate market…
GAAR is pleased to recognize Affiliate Steve Cecco as a Good Neighbor recipient in 2019 for his work with Feed NM Kids. Good Neighbors are REALTORS® or…
On the heels of two recent incidents—one involving an armed man hiding in a vacant home and the other involving the attempted abduction of…
National Speaker Cheryl Knowlton is featured on Tuesday, September 22nd for our Fall Speaker Series. This event is free for GAAR REALTOR® Members who can…
Albuquerque, NM (KRQE) – If you’re looking to sell your home, local experts say right now, sellers can get more money than ever. The metro’s…
By 2019, cybercrime will cost businesses an estimated $2 trillion annually. Don’t be a part of that statistic! Implement the following best practices to safeguard…
McGahn to continue modernizing association’s advocacy efforts.
…Real estate pros are using this time to connect to prospects and past clients online. Building brand awareness using social media ad platforms may be…
Boost your social media engagement by weaving hashtags into your social media posts
Boost your social media engagement by weaving hashtags into your social media…